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Young Living Essential Oils: My Carry Along Oil Kit


I’ve been using the Young Living Essential Oils (YLEOs) for some time now, but only just decided to start writing about my experience, because I wanted to be able to provide a more thorough review. I’m still learning about the different types of essential oils, but I do have some favourites among them, and thought I could start by sharing a little about them.

What are essential oils? 

Simply put, they are the essence of plants. They are natural oils, typically obtained by distillation, and have the characteristic odour of the plant from which it is extracted. There are many different types of “essential oils” in the market, but a lot of these are made for aromatherapy. YLEOs, however, have therapeutic purposes, and as such, are produced differently, and have a much stricter production protocol.

A friend of mine introduced the oils to me, and she has been my go-to person whenever I have any questions.  She showed me a host of different brands of lavender essential oils, and I was honestly surprised that the smell and texture of the supposed same oil can vary so much.* The Young Living version is made from a single distillate, making the oil richer, and of the purest quality.

My Carry Along Oil Kit

I have a few favourite oils that I like to carry around, even on flights, and they serve as my first aid kit. Everyone has different needs, but these, to me, are the most commonly needed ones. Noah is very used to the oils now, and asks me to “put oils” after his baths, or whenever he has a bruise or insect bite.

My First Aid Kit 


Thieves is an extremely popular oil with parents, as it is highly antiviral, antiseptic, and antibacterial. I apply it twice daily on Noah’s feet, and I honestly think that it has helped him. He used to develop fevers after each vaccination, and the last time he had the MMRV shot, he had a fever for more than two weeks. This time round, however, he was fever-free, and as active as ever, which I’m very thankful for. (I also used DiGize on him before he had the jab, but more on that in a bit.)


As a mother of a toddler who loves running everywhere he goes, Valor is something that I use daily on Noah. In fact, it is his favourite oil, and he picks it out of my collection whenever he can. Despite being very active, Noah is a cautious child, and I rub the oil twice daily on him, as it helps in calming anxiety, and boosting confidence. It is also very good for bruises, which Noah seems to pick up very easily from all the running and falling that he does.

Credit: Dolf Cheng

Noah with his two favourite oils: Thieves and Valor


I find Peppermint a rather versatile oil, as it can be used for indigestion, headaches, fever, pain, and even nausea. I get motion sickness quite easily, so the oil helps when I travel. Do note that this oil is not suitable for people who are allergic to menthol.

Credit: Dolf Cheng

Lavender is my favourite oil, because I love the smell of it. I associate it with calmness, because many of the spas that I’ve been to, use it for aromatherapy. It is great for insect bites, hives, burns, rashes, and cuts, so I’ve used it quite a bit on all three of us too. C was initially quite sceptical about it, but after he burned his fingers slightly one day, he tried various remedies, like running his fingers under cold water, and holding an ice cube. When none worked, I applied some Lavender on his fingers, and after a while, he was amazed that it had actually worked. A few days ago, Noah fell down and scraped his knee, but because he didn’t cry or fuss over it, I didn’t even notice the scratches on his knee until much later. I cleaned it up with an alcohol swab, which made him cry a little, then quickly dropped some Lavender on it. He stopped crying immediately, and his knee looks much better now.

Credit: Dolf Cheng

Noah’s scraped knee


Purification is another excellent oil for insect bites, and can even be used as an insect repellant. I apply it on Noah’s arms and legs before we head out to the park, and he hasn’t gotten any bites so far. Unfortunately, I forgot to apply it on myself, and my feet are now covered with ugly scars from the insect bites. I also diffuse Purification occasionally at night, especially when the air smells a tad smoky from the incense burning or haze.

Credit: Dolf Cheng

I only got DiGize recently, as an alternative to Peppermint for stomach trouble, and liked it so much that I included it in my Carry Along collection. This blend relieves digestive problems, including indigestion, heartburn, gas, and bloating, making it handy for all those times that I overeat, which happens more frequently than I’d like. As I mentioned earlier, I was worried that Noah would develop a fever after his latest vaccination, so a few days before he went for the jab, I asked my friend what I could use on him. She told me to apply DiGize on his tummy before he had the injection, so I did that, and continued applying DiGize twice a day, for a few days after the jab, as a precaution, even though he didn’t develop a fever. I checked his temperature regularly, half expecting him to have a fever all the time, but I was pleasantly surprised that he remained fever free.

Playing with the oils




I’ll be sharing more on other oils soon, so do check back regularly for those posts!

*If you are keen to learn more about the Young Living Essential Oils, I will be getting my friend to hold a short sharing session next week, on one of the weekday evenings, from 8 to 9pm. Please do drop me an email at if you would like to come, and I will give you more details. The session will be an introduction to therapeutic grade essential oils, and its application to kids’ health. Kindly state your preferred date(s): 8th (Mon), 9th (Tue), 11th (Thu), or 12th (Fri), in the email as well. Unfortunately, due to limited space, I am unable to accommodate your children at the session, so please do make alternative care arrangements for them. Thank you!


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