I mentioned last week that we would be going somewhere really fun for our playdate this week, and I’m sure you can figure out where we went from the title of this post.
Mummy C planned a trip to the western part of Singapore for our playdate, and we went farm hopping! We started off at Hay Dairies, then went to Jurong Frog Farm, and FireFlies Health Farm, before stopping for lunch at Bollywood Veggies. We were supposed to visit both Qian Hu Fish Farm and Farmart Centre after lunch, but decided to make the fish farm our last stop, as it was raining, and the children were all tired by then.
Welcome to The Goats’ Way!

Milking time

Plenty of goats (Mummy L said they were “kidding around” in their pens)

Exploring the farm, hand-in-hand

Trying some chocolate-flavoured goat’s milk

Some information about Hay Dairies

Jurong Frog Farm wasn’t open to the public when we got there, so if you plan to visit on a weekday, do call ahead to make an appointment. We did manage to see some tadpoles and frogs at the open area, and the kids were quite fascinated by them.

Checking out the tadpoles and frogs

Group shot!

Information about Jurong Frog Farm

FireFlies Health Farm wasn’t particularly interesting, but we did take a short walk to look at the vegetable plots. There’s a warehouse there where you can purchase some fresh vegetables, but I didn’t buy anything. As it started pouring while we were there, we cut our visit short, and headed for lunch.

I thought this machine looked quite interesting! Does anyone know what it’s called?

I thought lunch was really yummy, as I had the Chicken Bolognese that Noah refused to eat. Thankfully, he enjoyed the fish from the Fish and Chips, so he finished the entire portion by himself.

The Menu at Bollywood Veggies

Looking at a garden millipede

More about Bollywood Veggies

Qian Hu Fish Farm was quite interesting for the children, and they spent a lot of time just wandering around, looking at the different fishes in the tanks. Pity it started pouring, or we could have done a little fishing, or even fed the fishes.
Looking at the koi

Plenty of fishes to look at!

Really expensive Luo Han Fish

Hermit crabs



Looking at the fish in the rain

I’ve heard really good things about Farmart Centre, so hopefully, we’ll get to make a trip down there soon!
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