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This past month has been yet another busy one for all of us, and I thought I had better write this post now, before he turns 26 months old! 

I’ve been feeling really sentimental recently, and one of my favourite things to do is to look at Noah’s old photos and videos. He really has grown so much! Noah likes looking at the photos and videos with me, but when I tell him that it’s him in the photos and videos, he will sometimes say, “Not Noah!”

As he grows, I have to find more ways to keep him occupied, so we’ve been doing a variety of things at home. He’s baked with me a couple of times, and loves peering into the mixing bowl as the KitchenAid works. I give him small tasks, like sieving the flour, cutting out the biscuits from the dough with the biscuit cutter, and handing me the paper cups for the cupcake batter. Yes, it slows down my baking process, but he is always more than happy to help, and stands patiently on the Learning Tower throughout the entire baking process. If you’re interested, here are two simple cupcake recipes, and one for cheese biscuits, which I used with Noah.

Baking is fun!




Noah also painted for the first time at home, and was very pleased with his work. We haven’t really done a lot more painting, but it’s definitely a great rainy day activity.

The little artist


When the weather is good, I bring Noah downstairs to the playground, where he gets to climb and run around to his heart’s content. He’s not as cautious as he used to be, and it’s so nice seeing him pluck up his courage to climb up the stairs, and even to go down the slide on his own. Previously, he would refuse to even sit down on the slide, but we always encourage him to be brave, and to just try, so even though it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it is to us!

Noah the playground explorer


He had his first sand play date, and erm, wasn’t a fan of the sand. He whined a lot, but I’m glad he eventually walked a little on the sand, and even played with it a little. We definitely need to let him play with sand more often!

Sand play


Noah loves being on the swing, and although I’m terrified that he will fall off, I know that he has to learn to sit on the ‘big kids swing’ by himself. He is really happy when he gets to go on the swing, and seeing him on it reminds me of how much he has grown, since the first time he sat in a bucket swing for babies, when we were in Melbourne.

All grown up now


We brought him to Punggol Waterway one day, and he had a good time looking at all the terrapins there, as well as the huge ships in the sea.




His knowledge of the Chinese language is still non-existent, so I brought him to attend a bilingual trial class at Julia Gabriel. I’ve also started bringing him to spend an afternoon each week with my godmother, who is Chinese-speaking. She looks after my god-nephew Z, who is two months younger than Noah, and definitely more comfortable with the Chinese language than Noah.

At the Bilingual Trial Class


Trying to figure out where his ‘kou’ (mouth) is


Eating wise, Noah has improved quite a bit from his plain pasta days, and eats a wider variety of things now. He still needs to watch videos while he eats, but he eats faster now, and doesn’t spit his food out as frequently. His all-time favourite fruit is still the strawberry, and he can feed himself when I give him strawberries after his meals.

Feeding himself




He has also progressed to sleeping through the night in his own cot, which is in our bedroom, and right next to our bed. He still wakes up at 630 or 7am to ask for milk, and usually goes back to sleep for an hour or more after that, on our bed.

Good morning!


I can’t believe how fast he’s growing, and I am so very thankful that I’m able to stay home with him, and witness it all. I’m not ready for him to go to school yet!

Happy belated 25th month, sweetheart. Daddy and Mummy love you more than you can ever imagine.


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