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Every month, I tell myself that I really should get started on Noah’s monthly update, but somehow, it kinda slipped my mind this month, and I’m extremely late with his 32nd month update. Oops.

This month, Noah has been showing more interest in using the scissors, and learning how to fold paper (though all he wants me to do is fold him an aeroplane), so we’ve been doing a bit of both exercises. I’m a helicopter mother by nature, so I tend to want to help him when he’s cutting paper, but these days, Noah doesn’t want my help. I hold my breath each time he snips the paper, worried that he will cut his fingers, but thankfully, he’s been pretty careful *touch wood* so far.

Learning to use the scissors




He’s also been asserting his independence during meal-times, often asking to feed himself, which is something that I am still very reluctant to do. I absolutely hate cleaning up the mess, and can’t stand watching him spill food down his shirt, so I usually insist on feeding him instead. I allow him to feed himself once in a while, and he is usually very pleased with himself, no matter how much of a mess he has created.

Feeding himself




The aftermath


One of Noah’s favourite outdoor activities is still to play hockey, and he was absolutely thrilled when he got to play on a proper hockey pitch, before one of C’s hockey matches. He had so much fun running around and hitting the ball, that he got really upset when it was time for him to leave the pitch, as the match was about to begin. I must admit that even though he wasn’t actually playing a proper hockey match, I felt quite proud watching him run around on the same pitch that I did, many years ago.



Dribbling practice


Playing hockey at Delta Sports Complex





I haven’t had the time to bring him to the playground this month, but sometimes, while waiting for C to come down from his office, we stomp around on the grass patch at the carpark, and he loves harassing the mimosa there. It’s definitely nice to see him so comfortable on the grass, because he dislikes sand, and used to refuse to walk on grass at times previously too.

Dancing on the grass


Harassing the mimosa



Noah still loves cars and all other vehicles, which means they are his constant companion. I usually let him play with his cars when he’s eating, as although his eating habits have improved, he generally still needs to be entertained in order to eat.

Playing with cars during dinner/em>


I have no idea why the sharks were in there, being pushed around by the bulldozer


Building train tracks



Driving around in NTUC





We brought Noah to watch his first ever lion dance performance at Changi City Point, and he was quite fascinated by it. Sometimes, when he comes across pictures of the lion dances, he would point them out excitedly, and pretend to dance a little like them.

Watching his first ever lion dance performance


Noah also watched The Magic Ocean with his friends, but because it was in Mandarin, he wasn’t very engaged, and seemed to have enjoyed himself more after the show, when he was allowed to run around outside the Esplanade with his friend, Faith.

Watching The Magic Ocean




Running around with Faith



School-wise, he seems to have adjusted pretty well, and often tells us about his day in school. He enjoys painting quite a bit, something which we haven’t had much time to do frequently at home, and I’m glad he gets to paint more in school. He was really proud of his “My Family” photo frame that he painted, and showed it off proudly to us when he got home.

With his craft from school



Painting at home


Having fun doodling with his cousin


I really wish we have more opportunities to go to the playground, but because we usually pick C up after work, we can’t seem to find the time. Thankfully, Noah’s school has a playground, and he does tell me that he plays there every now and then, so I don’t feel so bad about not bringing him to the playground. I also haven’t been doing as much with him as I used to do, before he started school, so I need to make more of a conscious effort to engage him at home.

Happy 32nd month, sweetheart. Mummy promises that I will try to bring you to the playground more regularly, okay?


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