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The Birth of Friday Flips


Towards the end of last year, I thought about how I wanted to improve this blog, and finally reached the conclusion that although I really enjoy getting “freebies” and being invited to all sorts of events, I need to ensure that my time spent reviewing these “freebies” (which aren’t actually free, since I have to spend time writing about them) is actually worth my while.

Before you think I’ve been getting a lot of offers, let me tell you honestly that I haven’t, although a large tiny part of me wishes that I have. Heh. It does give me a thrill to see an email from a well-known organisation, especially since it almost never happens, but I do think that I should work on things that I honestly care about, rather than accept every single opportunity that comes my way. Yes, being selective will cause me to get even fewer offers, but that’s something that I have to accept, in exchange for more time.

If you’ve been reading this blog for some time, you might have noticed that we love reading. C and I both have our own Kindles, and Noah has an ever-increasing collection of books, because I can’t resist buying him more books all the time. Thus, it was pretty much a no-brainer to add a weekly book review segment to this blog, and all I had to do was come up with a nice name for it, as well as get a blog badge made for it.

I sought the help of some mummy bloggers and my Dayre friends for the former, before finally deciding on Friday Flips, since I like alliteration, planned to host the linky every Friday, and “flips” was the only word associated with reading which begins with the letter F, that I could come up with. (Please don’t tell me if you think of other options, because I will start obsessing over whether it would make a better name for my linky than Friday Flips!)

The latter has proven to be more difficult than I expected, as I only asked my blog designer if she could do it for me in the middle of December, but she’s been swamped with other projects. I’m still waiting for the blog badge to be done, but because I’m really excited about starting this new segment, I thought I would just go ahead with it, even though the badge isn’t ready. I would love for plenty of bloggers to join in this linky party, so that we (okay, I) can discover new books, so please be patient with me, and add your blog links to my Friday Flips linky party when it is up and running, okay? Thank you!

My fake Friday Flips picture, until the real one is ready


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