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Sydney Round Two

We enjoyed Sydney so much on our first trip there, that we decided to visit it again over one of the long weekends, before we returned to Singapore for good. 

It so happened that our trip coincided with Vivid Sydney 2014, and we were able to catch some of the gorgeous exhibits around the city. We especially loved the spectacular illumination of the Sydney Opera House, and were glad that we braved the crowds to see it. C and I enjoyed the Vivid Aquatique Water Theatre at Darling Harbour too, but Noah was surprisingly freaked out by the light and water show, and refused to watch it with us.

Happy to have his own seat on the flight there


Darling Harbour 

Sydney 2014 (1 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (2 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (4 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (3 of 25)



Sydney Opera House

Sydney 2014 (22 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (21 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (20 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (25 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (24 of 25)

We also managed to visit Bondi Beach on this trip, and were awed by how beautiful it was. I couldn’t believe how soft and fine the sand was, and more importantly, how it miraculously didn’t stick to our feet. 😛

Bondi Beach

Sydney 2014 (15 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (16 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (17 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (18 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (19 of 25)

Hurricane’s Grill at Bondi Beach



Another highlight of our trip was, of course, food-related. Apart from checking out Hurricane’s Grill at Bondi Beach, we also managed to eat at Jamie’s Italian. We first ate at Jamie’s Italian when we were in London years ago, and even though there’s an outlet in Singapore, we haven’t been able to check it out yet. I was extremely boring and chose to eat the exact same dish, the Prawn pasta, as I did in London, but that’s because I remembered it to be really delicious, and I loved it this time round too.

Jamie’s Italian

Sydney 2014 (14 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (7 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (13 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (6 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (9 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (10 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (11 of 25)

Sydney 2014 (12 of 25)



It was raining quite a bit on this trip, which was quite a bummer, but nonetheless, we enjoyed ourselves and wished our trip didn’t have to be such a short one. If we do get to travel to Sydney again, it would be great if we could visit other parts of it, such as the Blue Mountains.

Linking up with:

My Little Drummer Boys


PS. I’ve been shortlisted as one of the ten finalists in this year’s Singapore Blog Awards, and would really appreciate it if you could take some time to vote for me at the Singapore Blog Awards website. You can vote once daily, until 3pm on 31st July 2014. Thanks!

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