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Playdate #3

This was our first time attending an outdoor playdate, and it was a lot of fun!

The weather has been rather unpredictable recently, and all of us were praying for clear skies, so that we could have our outdoor session. Thank God that the weather was perfect!

Walking to our outdoor “classroom”



We started off with our usual Welcome Song, followed by Circle Time, where we revisited the two shapes (circle and square), and the six colours (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, and purple), which they have learnt in previous sessions.

Part of our little group




For story time, we had Eric Carle’s Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

* Noah was very engaged during this segment, and diligently repeated the names of all the animals, probably because we recently visited the zoo.

Story Time



This week’s craft was very special, as we got the kids to pick leaves and stones, then use them to paint. I think most of them preferred running around to look for the leaves and stones, than sitting down to paint! Interestingly, Noah wasn’t too keen on painting this time round, and stopped shortly after he started.

Picking leaves





Painting Materials






Our snack time was more like a picnic, and the children had a variety of fruits, bread, and cakes.

Snack Time (Noah stuffed an entire grape into his mouth!)


Next up was my personal favourite activity, as we took full advantage of being outdoors to use water instead of the usual cardboard shapes. The children had to take turns running with a cup to the ‘water station’, scoop as much water as possible with it, carry the cup of water back to the starting point, and pour all of it into the container there. Noah was extremely careful with his cup of water, and walked really slowly back each time. He looked so serious that all of us couldn’t help laughing at him!

Best Outdoor Activity Ever!



Finally, we sang three action songs, ‘This is the Way’, ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes’, and ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’, before closing with the Goodbye Song.

Can you tell which song we were singing?





My god-nephew joined us for the free play session at the playground after that, but we didn’t stay long because Noah refused to walk on the sand.

Walking to the playground


Playing on the mini see-saw


I think all of us really enjoyed being outdoors and hopefully, we’ll be able to have more such outdoor sessions soon. I know I’ve said this before, but I’m really so very thankful to be part of this group of dedicated mums! I’ve learnt so much from our playdates, and I can tell that Noah really enjoys playing with his friends too. 🙂

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