It was our turn to host the weekly playdate again, and Noah was so happy to be able to play with his friends again. He often asks me, “Where’s Noah’s friends?” and I’m sure he will miss all of them when he goes to school next year.
I set up two very simple stations for free play this time round: a fishing game, and two animal-themed jigsaw puzzles. Noah woke up really early, and started playing at the two stations even before I could change him out of his pyjamas.
Free Play Stations

Playing happily

Two of his friends arrived early enough to participate in the free play segment, so the three of them played together for a while. Noah dominated the fishing game, and I had to repeatedly remind him to share it with his friends.

When everyone had arrived, we started our playdate with the Good Morning Song, and all the children actually waved at each other while the mums sang! This is a huge improvement from our first session, when the mums had to physically help the children to wave at everyone.
Good morning!

Mummy L then introduced the zoo animals, by showing the figurines first, and getting the children to match the jigsaw puzzle pieces to the animals.
Introducing the animals

Matching the jigsaw puzzle pieces to the animals

For story-time, I read Zoo Hullaballoo! to the children, and invited them to press the various sound buttons during the story. I think they really enjoy such interactive books, as they were all very eager to help me in pressing the sound buttons. I got the feeling that they weren’t quite paying attention to the story, as they were just waiting for me to let them press the buttons, so I’m not sure how much of the story they actually heard!
Zoo Hullaballoo!

They were so cute, and kept coming nearer to the book!

Mummy J came up with a cute tortoise craft for the children, and included shapes in various colours for them to paste on the tortoise’s shell. A lot of effort definitely went into the preparation, as she also packed the materials neatly into individual bags for the children.
Colouring the tortoise

Noah with his tortoise

Group shot (minus R)

Mummy E read a Chinese book about animals learning to wait their turn, which is a really important lesson for the children to learn. They then got to practise what they learnt, by queueing up to wash their hands before having their snack.
Chinese story-time

I served their snack “family style” this time round, as I wanted to see how they would share the snacks, and I think the children did quite well! No one fought over the biscuits, which were more popular than the grapes, and they sat together on the mat to eat.
F leading the children in prayer before eating

I prepared some overnight oats for the mums, as Mummy J said she missed having them, and Mummy L baked some cupcakes for us as well.
The mums’ snack

Mummy C prepared six different stations for Practical Life: pegs, threading, cutting, sorting, jigsaw puzzle, and forming shapes. Noah’s favourite station was definitely the cutting one, as he kept asking to go back to it!




Jigsaw puzzle

Forming shapes

We were supposed to go to the playground for the Big Muscles Activity, but decided against it because of the haze. I suggested getting the children to try being wheelbarrows, and I think some of the children thought it was quite fun. This exercise is something that I learnt from Noah’s Gymnademics teachers, as a way to strengthen his muscles, and I think I’ll try to do more of it with him as well.

Finally, we sang ‘God is so Good’ and ‘Jesus Loves Me’ as our action songs, before ending off with the Goodbye Song.
Singing ‘Jesus Loves Me’

The mums were talking about how few sessions we have left, and we’re all definitely going to miss each other’s company! The children have become friends, and I’m sure they will also miss playing together. I’m really thankful for this group, as I think Noah has grown so much through his interactions with them.
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