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Homeschooling Playgroup #3

We’re still on the theme of Chinese New Year (CNY) this week for our playgroup, although this will be our last session on this theme. I like how the mummies in this group willingly take on different segments, and I can get many more ideas from them on what to do with Noah at home too. I definitely can’t run a playgroup on my own, because I’m not very creative, and I can’t come up with so many interesting things to do each week, so I really appreciate how everyone contributes to our sessions. 

Noah napped in the car on our way there from school, and took some time to warm up when we got there. Faith was a real sweetheart, and tried to engage him, so they were playing together before long.

Playing with Faith


Mummy T took on the Introduction segment this week, and used a Chinese book about CNY to tell the children about dumplings, reunion dinners, and other CNY customs. I was a tad annoyed with Noah, because he started misbehaving, and ran around instead of paying attention. I don’t know why he seems to have regressed, in terms of his behaviour during our playgroup sessions, and I can only pray that he will decide to be more focused soon.



I read A New Year’s Reunion to the children, but because the story is rather long, I tried to edit it as I went along, and noticed that I used the word “suddenly” a lot, as I read to the children. Oops. I really need to work on my storytelling skills!

Story time



Mummy L taught the children to paint quince blossoms, using pom-pom balls. Noah seemed to really enjoy it, even though he was a lot less keen when I did something similar at home with him a while back. Maybe he thinks that craft is more fun when his friends are with him.








The final product


No idea why Noah was leaning on Faith


We skipped Chinese this week, and moved on to Practical Life, since the children tend to get more restless after their snack. Mummy T and I each provided three stations, so that we could have six stations for the five children. I was pretty unoriginal, and all three of my contributions were recycled ideas. I really need to source for more activities! Anyway, I noticed that Noah tends to give up quite easily when he can’t do a station properly. He refused to work on the buttons station, “cheated” at the ring toss station, and didn’t complete the shape sorting activity.

Matching the cards


Working on two jigsaw puzzles



Using tongs/chopsticks to sort the pom-pom balls


Working on the Velcro and Buttons boards



“Cheating” at the ring toss station




Using shapes to form pictures


Mummy T prepared some buns for the children’s snack, and Faith was probably really hungry, because she prayed really quickly, without being prompted. So cute! Noah, as usual, refused to even try the bun, and ate the donut that I brought for him instead.

Snack time




The children had an extended period of free play after their snack, as we were all too busy chatting to bring them to the playground for their Big Muscles activity. It was a really hot day anyway, and I appreciated being able to sit in the house, rather than stand at the playground. They did run around a little in the house, so I guess that counts! Anyway, our “assistant teacher”, J, led the younger ones in the singing of two action songs, and although N knew the songs, he refused to sing along or do the actions. Sigh.

Action songs



Next week, we will embark on our new theme of fruits and vegetables! Hopefully, that will encourage Noah to eat more vegetables, since he is extremely fussy about which fruits and vegetables he actually eats.

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