Growing with the Tans is now on Facebook!
Recently, I realised that there are people OTHER than my family and friends who actually read this blog. Thank you, all three of you, for reading my ramblings! Anyway, I decided to create a Facebook page for this blog, so that people who aren’t personally friends with me on FB can also receive notifications when I post a new entry. I’m also going to post my notifications on the GWTT FB page instead of my personal page too, so if you’re my personal friend and you want to get FB notifications whenever I update my blog, please ‘Like’ the GWTT FB page.
Bear with me as I try to build up the FB page, okay? I still haven’t figured out how to get my blog to post update notifications on the GWTT FB (all these acronyms!) page yet, so if anyone knows, please tell me!
Do ‘Like’ our new Facebook page either by going directly to it or by clicking the ‘Like’ button on the right panel of this site. Thanks for all your support! 🙂
PS. I’m also now on NuffnangX, so you can follow me there and we can have conversations there on my posts!
Update: I just figured out how to post notifications on the GWTT FB page. For those of you who are as new to this as I am, go to ‘Settings’ on your Dashboard, then to ‘Sharing’. You need to allow WordPress to have access to your FB pages. Don’t worry if you have more than one page, as you can select which FB page to post your updates on.