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Friday Flips #59: Even More Chinese Books by Taro Gomi (Plus Giveaway!)

We’re taking a week’s break from our local authors Friday Flips series because it’s Father’s Day this Sunday, and one of the Taro Gomi books which Flip for Joy sent us is perfect for Father’s Day. They’re also sponsoring two copies of ‘爸爸去哪儿了?’ for this week’s giveaway, and it’s such a cute book that I figured it was okay to review it this week, and resume the local authors series next week.

Our latest Taro Gomi books


‘爸爸去哪儿了?’ is quite a typical Taro Gomi book, in that it uses the protagonist’s perception of how his father looks like, to tease us. The little boy gets lost in a crowded shopping centre, and goes around looking for his dad, with some pretty hilarious results. I was quite amused by his reaction to the different mistaken characters, even saying that his father wasn’t as handsome as the man he mistook as his dad. That’s not something anyone wants to hear from his own kid, I think!

It’s a fun book to read with young children, and Noah enjoyed guessing if the boy has finally found his dad. He had a good laugh each time the boy realised he got the wrong person, but was glad that they were reunited at the end of the story. It was also a good way for me to talk to him about how he had to stay close to us at all times, so that he wouldn’t get lost. I’m also trying to teach him to be more observant about his surroundings, because he can be totally oblivious sometimes, and it would be good if he learns to remember our outfits when we are out, just in case he gets lost.






‘三顶帽子几个人’ and ‘数字在哪里’ are both related to numbers, and good for toddlers and preschoolers who are learning their numbers. We enjoyed counting all the different items listed on the pages, and I got Noah to count in Chinese too, since he doesn’t do it frequently.

In ‘三顶帽子几个人’, the protagonist goes around counting the different things he sees, and Noah particularly liked the bit where his mum is measuring the ingredients for his birthday cake, since it is something that he is familiar with. I’m also trying to teach him the Chinese names of the fruits listed on one of the pages, but we’re making rather slow progress on that, because he wants to finish the story instead.





As for ‘数字在哪里’, we learn about the significance of numbers, and the different functions they serve. Young children should be able to relate to many of the scenarios shown in the book, and I think it’s a good way to get children to pay more attention to their surroundings, in order to spot the various uses of numbers.





I like that the text is simple and short, allowing young children to understand the stories, without overwhelming them with too many new words. All three books are filled with Taro Gomi’s unique illustrations, and I’m sure young readers will enjoy looking at the pictures while reading the stories.

Happy reading!

PS. Check out our previous Taro Gomi Friday Flips posts HERE and HERE.

Check out the previous Friday Flips posts HERE. I’ve also created a photo album on Facebook with some other good reads, and will be updating it whenever I come across more books that we enjoy. Do pop by for a look HERE.

Disclaimer: We received these three Taro Gomi books from Flip for Joy for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are, as always, our own.



We have two copies of ‘爸爸去哪儿了?’ to be given away to two lucky readers of Growing with the Tans! To participate, please complete the Rafflecopter widget below. Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and Conditions: This giveaway will end on Friday, 24th June 2016, at 2359h, and is open to Singapore residents only. Winners will be contacted via the particulars provided when entering this giveaway, and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be selected. All incomplete entries will be disqualified, and all entries will be verified before the winners are announced. To be fair to our sponsor, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (accounts set up purely to take part in contests, with no or very few real friends), will be disqualified. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.


Growing with the Tans Friday Flips
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