We really enjoy the Squirky series of books, and the latest Squirky adventure, ‘How Do You Get to the Garden Galaxy?’ is no exception. In fact, I think it’s my personal favourite among the five books so far! (You can read our review of the earlier Squirky books in this post.)
By now, Noah is very familiar with Squirky, and gasped excitedly when I showed him the book. “It’s Squirky! Can we read it now, please?” As we read the book, Noah interrupted me with many, many questions. “How did they get there?” “Why is there someone peeping at them?” “Is it a bad person?” “Why are the babies crying?” As usual, his questions came from his observations of the illustrations, because he prefers looking at the pictures rather than the words when I read to him.
Noah became very quiet when the Gardeners gave Squirky the option of going to the Garden Galaxy to be with his birth parents, and I took the opportunity to ask him what he thought Squirky should do, bearing in mind that he would never be able to see Emma and his adoptive parents any more if he went. To my surprise, he said that Squirky should go, though he didn’t seem as sure about his decision after that, when I read what Emma had to say to Squirky. It really is a very difficult decision, and I think everyone would struggle to make that decision.
As a parent, I confess that I teared up as I read parts of this book to Noah. I felt for Squirky’s birth parents, who loved Squirky so much that they took the bold step to enter the Garden Galaxy in search of Squirky, and wonder how disappointed they must have been when they couldn’t find him there. I also felt sorry for Squirky, who had to make such a huge decision at his young age. In an ideal world, the child wouldn’t have to choose between his birth and adoptive parents, but like I said, that’s in an ideal world.
Giving up a child for adoption is never an easy decision, even though you know it’s for the child’s own good, and I’m glad that there’s this series of books that deals with adoption so carefully, and makes it accessible even to young children. I’ve always maintained that books are excellent ways to introduce new situations and ideas to children, and I love the Squirky series for being bold enough to deal with such a sensitive issue.
My only grouse is that the story isn’t complete yet, and we’ve got to wait for the last book to be released! Noah asked me for the next book immediately after we finished reading it, and kept asking why it wasn’t out yet, just as he did when we read the first four books. I think I’ll have to read all six books in a row to him, when Book 6 is finally released later this year!
How Do You Get to the Garden Galaxy?

Meet Squirky (and his creators)!

Happy reading!
Buy the Book The Adventures of Squirky the Alien #5: How Do You Get to the Garden Galaxy? is available at all major bookstores
Check out the previous Friday Flips posts HERE. I’ve also created a photo album on Facebook with some other good reads, and will be updating it whenever I come across more books that we enjoy. Do pop by for a look HERE.
Disclaimer: We received a copy of How Do You Get to the Garden Galaxy? for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are, as always, our own.
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