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Friday Flips #2: Books by Herve Tullet

Herve Tullet has great collection of interactive books, and Noah enjoys reading most of them. I first borrowed Mix It Up!

from the library, and used it at my first

Read with Us programme last year. Noah would spend ages poring over it, and got so familiar with it that he could read it by himself, and “mixed” the colours on his own.

Mix it Up!


The reader has to interact with the book in order for it to progress, and Noah was hooked right from the beginning, when he had to tap the first dot, to get the other dots to appear. Interactive books are really very good for engaging young readers, and I’m really pleased that I was able to borrow so many from the library. I particularly liked Mix it Up! as although Noah knows his colours pretty well, he hasn’t figured out how to mix the colours to get different ones, so I used the book to try teaching him that.

Interacting with the book






Press Here looks like a very simple book, with few words, and plenty of colourful dots, but like Mix it Up!, it requires the reader to actively interact with it. Noah took to it quite quickly, probably because he read Mix it Up! previously, and was able to remember the steps involved after a few readings. I managed to capture a short video of him reading it, although he did skip some pages here and there.

Press Here


Reading Press Here by himself

Another one of our favourite Herve Tullet’s book is Help! We Need a Title! I borrowed it originally because I thought it looked hilarious, and the plot was fairly unique: readers (us) stumble upon an unfinished book, causing the characters to panic, and to get help from the author, who then comes up with a rather weak story, which the characters weren’t very impressed by. I liked that the author poked fun at himself in the book, and was surprised that Noah enjoyed the book as well. We read it many times, and he was most amused by the monster saying, “Nah…” This book is also interactive, and by the time we got to this book, Noah was already familiar with the concept, and followed the instructions readily.

Help! We Need a Title!







Imitating the monster




Switching the light on and off




Among the six Herve Tullet books that we’ve read so far, I think Noah really enjoyed the above three books. He was also quite entertained by The Finger Circus Game, which required me to use my fingers as the circus performers, and tried to grab my fingers as I read the book to him. I think this book will appeal to younger children, or kids around Noah’s age, as they can also interact with it.

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t quite enjoy both The Countryside Game and The Game of Shadows, perhaps because I prefer books with more text, and I’m not good at making up stories based on the illustrations. That’s something that I definitely need to work on, since I think it affects how much Noah enjoys the books as well. I do also think that these two books might be more suited to older children, who most likely have good imaginations (or better than mine at least!), and can come up with their own interpretations of the pictures.

The Finger Circus Game, The Countryside Game, and The Game of Shadows


The Finger Circus Game





The Countryside Game



Herve Tullet’s books are definitely interesting and unique, so I will continue to look out for more of his books in the library. I think his books are generally easy to understand, and add an element of fun to reading, which will appeal to children of various ages. Do check them out, and let me know what you think!

Buy the Books Mix It Up!

on Amazon Mix it Up! on Book Depository Press Here

on Amazon Press Here on Book Depository Help! We Need a Title!

on Amazon Help! We Need a Title! on Book Depository The Finger Circus Game

on Amazon The Finger Circus Game on Book Depository The Countryside Game

on Amazon The Countryside Game on Book Depository The Game of Shadows

on Amazon The Game of Shadows on Book Depository

Borrow the Books (Singapore National Libraries only) 1. Mix it Up! / Junior Lending Picture Book / English TUL / Check for availability here 2. Press Here / Junior Lending Picture Book / English 372.6 TUL / Check for availability here 3. Help! We Need a Title! / Junior Lending Picture Book / English TUL / Check for availability here 4. The Finger Circus Game / Junior Lending Picture Book / English TUL-[BA] / Check for availability here 5. The Countryside Game / Junior Lending Picture Book / English 793.73 TUL-[BA] / Check for availability here 6. The Game of Shadows / Junior Lending Picture Book / English 843.914 TUL / Check for availability here

*This post contains affiliate links.


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