Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I casually mentioned to C the other day that Valentine’s Day was coming, and his reply was… “When have we ever celebrated Valentine’s Day?”
A few days later, I showed him a love poem my friend shared on Instagram, and exclaimed, “So nice, right? I love this poem!” His response? “Huh? What’s wrong with you these days?”
Sigh. See lah, that’s what I get for marrying Mr Practical. To be fair, I’m not a fan of celebrating Valentine’s Day either. I’d much rather have him buy me gifts for no other reason apart from ‘I thought you’d like it’, than receive over-priced flowers and cheesy trinkets, one day a year, and I definitely prefer having regular meals together every single day, chatting casually as we eat, to eating in a fancy restaurant where I can’t see my food in the dim lighting, or worry that we’re talking too loudly.
Today being Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share one of my favourite love sonnets, as well as a series of love poems which I’ve just been introduced to. I haven’t read poetry in a long time, and to be honest, I used to only read poems when I had to study them in school. I loved the classic Sonnet XVIII by Shakespeare when I first read it, and it’s still one of my favourites.
Sonnet XVIII (Source here)

Thanks to my friend’s sharing on Instagram, I’ve discovered a series of short poems by Lang Leav, and I thought I’d share some of my favourites with you here.
All or Nothing (Source here)

Three Questions (Source here)

Soul Mates (Source here)

I think her poems are quite accessible, and they are accompanied by beautiful illustrations in her book. If you’ve had your heart broken before, you will definitely be able to relate to some of her poems, as she tracks the journey from love to heartbreak, to finding love again. Her book, Love & Misadventure
, can be purchased directly from Amazon. Happy reading!
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