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Planning Ahead – Starting Solids


I’ve been trying to plan ahead and think about weaning Noah, or rather, to be more accurate, about how to start him on semi-solids. Originally, I was going to go with the norm, get one of those steamer-blenders and start with the standard puree and rice cereal. However, I’m now thinking if we should go with the baby-led weaning method instead. I know it’s still a little early to be thinking about it but I do need start doing some proper research soon. All I read previously was about pregnancy, breastfeeding and taking care of newborns, so I’m beginning to panic because I feel utterly unprepared for this next stage!

I am now torn between the Philips Avent steamer blender and the Beaba Babycook. That is, IF I choose not to try baby-led weaning. I need something that will save me time, both in terms of preparing the food as well as washing up, because I foresee myself getting busier as Noah grows. I will then need to start investing in those freezer trays for storing purees too, and free up some space in our freezer. Right now, our freezer has quite a bit of frozen breast milk which I think can’t be kept for much longer. My mum has been asking me to donate the frozen breastmilk but I don’t know anyone who needs it! Seems like quite a waste to throw it all away but since Noah can’t be bottle-fed, it looks like that’s the only option at the moment.

If any of you have tried baby-led weaning, I’d love to hear what you think of it! C doesn’t think I’ll be able to do it as I’m not very good at handling messes and from what I’ve read, baby-led weaning is a really messy but rewarding process. Feedback on the two different steamer-blenders will also be most welcome. I need all the help I can get!

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