Last year, I was introduced to Photo a Day, and tried it out in May. After that, I got lazy was busy preparing for baby, and only started again this month. I already do a Photo a Day for Noah, on my personal FB page, so it is quite a challenge to do BOTH this month! Since we have just passed the halfway mark, I thought I’d post what I’ve got so far.
Day 1: Play | Baby playing with his current favourite toy. Think he’s attracted to the flashing lights, though he prefers to gnaw on it.

Day 2: Blue | Void deck. I like the retro blue tiles here, and if you look closely, you’ll see that the dustbin on the far left, as well as the sign on the top right, are both blue. My attempt to be artistic. Heh.

Day 3: Something beginning with A | Asterix and Obelix! I tried really hard for this one, because I didn’t want to be boring and have a photo of an apple or alligator. I was walking into our bedroom when I spotted these two little fellas on our display shelf.

Day 4: This happened today | Playdate! Such a coincidence that a playdate was scheduled that day.

Day 5: Something good | Red Velvet cake from The Fabulous Baker Boy. Gosh, looking at it makes me want to have it again!

Day 6: Air | Swimming floats filled with air, ready for our swim that day. It was Noah’s second swim, and he seemed to enjoy it more. The small green float goes around his neck, so that more of him can be submerged in the water. He was a little apprehensive initially, but was soon busy kicking and splashing around.

Day 7: Dreamy | McDreamy. Ah, the gorgeous Patrick Dempsey, aka McDreamy, from Grey’s Anatomy. I love that show, even though it hasn’t been great recently, but I’ll keep watching it because of him, erm, I mean, the interesting medical stuff. ;P

Day 8: On your plate | Baby’s apple and banana puffs. These have been the only solids that Noah is willing to eat, so we carry a small container of it around with us.

Day 9: Tiny | Chinese book about tiny things, from Noah’s book collection.

Day 10: A place | Baby’s room. This is where he plays, as you can clearly see. I particularly love the wall decal in the background!

Day 11: Detail | I love the little details on my wedding gown! We had it custom made because I couldn’t find anything I really liked off-the-rack, and I’m so glad we did. I’ve been meaning to do a post about our wedding, so wait for it!

Day 12: In the middle | The Cross. The bridge between God and mankind.

Day 13: View from your bed | Our smiley baby in his cot. He sleeps next to us in his own cot, and this is literally my view every morning. Not a bad view to wake up to, although it would be nice if I could wake up a little later…

Day 14: Water | Freshly washed casserole, in my mum’s kitchen. I wanted to get a shot of raindrops on our car’s windscreen initially, but didn’t manage to, so this was the next best thing.

Day 15: Alone | The cheese stands alone. Heh. The idea for this came to me when I was in the supermarket. “Heigh-ho the derry-o, the cheese stands alone.” Geddit, geddit?

Day 16: Your favourite colour | Pink has always been my favourite, but these days, green really appeals to me. I don’t really know why, but perhaps it’s got to do with the green cupboards in Noah’s bedroom. I just find it very refreshing!
So there you have it! The first 16 days of the Fat Mum Slim Photo-a-Day April Challenge. Do follow me on Instagram (GrowingwiththeTans), Twitter (@GrowingwtheTans) or on Facebook, for the rest of the challenge! Better yet, join me, and share your photos too. Just add #fmsphotoaday to your photos, and take a look at the other photos based on the same theme daily, taken by people all around the world.
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