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Mr Easily Amused Part 2

For the longest time now, Noah’s favourite game is Peekaboo. Previously, he thought that when he can’t see us, we can’t see him either, and would cover his face with various objects, then giggle away when we pretended to be looking for him. Recently, he has taken to hiding behind us, and is very amused when we pretend to not know where he is.

When our friend L came to Adelaide a few months back, Noah was extremely amused by her.  She was back in Adelaide for a visit two weeks ago, together with her siblings, whom Noah loved playing with. Here, he was very amused by L’s sister, S. He still remembers them, even after they’ve left, and asks me for ‘auntie’ every now and then!

Where’s Noah? 

We laughed and laughed at Noah that night, because he had such a serious look on his face as he was hiding behind S initially, and also because he was laughing so much whenever he popped out from behind her. So thankful for this happy boy, and for our new friends, who were so willing to entertain Noah.

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