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I’ve been very busy recently, just trying to look after the baby and not go mad in the process. He’s been stuck in this phase of not wanting to eat or sleep properly, and my patience is really being tested. When he naps, I struggle to decide what to do, because there’s so much to do, yet I’m so exhausted. Most days, I either catch up on my rest, read library books borrowed on my iPad, surf the net, read other blogs, cook, or do the laundry. I’ve got so many things to blog about, but I just haven’t been able to sit down properly to do that.

I spend a lot of time on two main social media sites: Facebook and Instagram, while Twitter has taken a backseat. I haven’t had the energy to read through every single tweet that shows up on my feed, and somehow, I don’t really write a lot of my own tweets. However, I noticed that there was a new app called Dayre that seemed quite popular, and decided to check it out for myself. Yesterday was my first official day on Dayre, and although it isn’t exactly the easiest app to use, I can see its appeal. I can post short updates on it, with photos and videos, if I choose, or select an emoticon to describe my current status. It’s like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all rolled into one!

Anyway, I think it’s more fun than Twitter, and has the potential to render Twitter obsolete, but only if it becomes more user-friendly. More cute emoticons will definitely help too, but that’s just the frivolous part of me talking.

If you have a Dayre account, please follow me, okay? I’ll definitely still continue blogging on this site, while Dayre will have quick and short updates through the day. It’s supposed to work like a diary, and is somewhat a shortcut to blogging, in my opinion. See you on Dayre! 🙂

Follow me on Dayre please!


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Just a post to explain why the blog has been so quiet!


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