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Week 3


The little boy is three weeks old today and boy, has he changed! I guess I spoke a little too soon about him being quite easy, because he’s been struggling with naps recently. Today, he even had some issues with his feeds. Sigh. I really hope this is just a one-off thing.

Noah has suddenly taken to falling asleep within five or ten minutes of latching on and suckling as though he has been starved for days. Once I unlatch him and put him on the bed, he wakes up and glares angrily at me. I try feeding him again but he will be all, ‘No, I don’t want more milk, thank you very much!’ and there is a huge struggle to get out of my arms. Way to thank your mummy, son! I pop him back into his cot where he used to be perfectly contented stoning, but 15 minutes or less later, the whining and crying begins, complete with sucking noises. The whole routine is repeated and there you go! Story of my day. Please go back to your good feeding and napping patterns, baby!

Apart from this little blip, I’m still loving the little cooing sounds he makes and those random smiles of his. Right now, he’s exhausted from all that struggling with me and is sleeping on my bed, looking angelic and nothing like the frustrated baby I had in my arms a while ago.

My little model posing in his sleep

Please pardon the red blotches on his skin. He’s been having tiny red pimples all over his body and even on his scalp, apparently due to the herbs I’ve been consuming. His jaundice also hasn’t really cleared up but that’s also most likely due to the food I take during confinement. I’m praying very hard that all these will go away after I’m done with my confinement!

The hubs left early this morning for a short business trip and I’m sure he misses the baby terribly. I mean, I started missing the baby when we went out that night to watch hockey! I’m so thankful that C is the one working instead of me. Right now, I’m looking forward to watching Noah grow and playing with him, rather than going back to work.

Speaking of spending time away from the baby, I think that that night out has made me more inclined towards popping out for short trips without Noah. The day before, we went out in the morning to check out the venue for his first month celebration and yesterday, we went out to Nex to buy more supplies. Babies use plenty of diapers and wet wipes! I feel like such an auntie going to NTUC and buying so many packs of diapers at a go, but that’s how much our lives have changed. I also took the opportunity to buy a nursing top and dress from Spring Maternity but gone are the days when I can spend long periods of time browsing in shops. It’s all rush rush rush now, and is really very good training for the indecisive part of me.

Eight days till my confinement lady leaves and the real test begins. I pray for God to continue watching over all of us and to grant us good health!

PS. I think the baby knows I’m blogging about his terrible pattern today and is back to his angelic behaviour now! He’s been napping for more than three hours straight on my bed. Interesting…


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