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Review: Little Kickers Jakarta


When we arrived in Jakarta, one of our priorities was to find activities for N, and a friend suggested bringing him for a trial at Little Kickers. N generally likes sports, so we thought it would be something fun for him, and he loved it so much that we signed him up for weekly sessions. He hadn’t started school yet then, so he really looked forward to his Little Kickers sessions, where he could run around and play with other kids.

Little Kickers offers four different football classes for children aged between 18 months to 7 years old. N is in the Mighty Kickers class, which comprises of children aged between 3.5 years old to 5 years old. Parents aren’t required to participate (thank goodness for that!) but we do have to stay in the class with our kids. I love that we can stay there throughout the 45 minute session, because it’s quite fun watching N and the other kids do their drills and practise their football skills. I feel like a groupie, taking photos and videos of N as he plays, but hey, that’s what all mums would do, right?

Each class has a maximum of 18 children, and is managed by two coaches. N’s class is relatively small, which means he gets more opportunities to go through the drills, and plenty of attention from the coaches. He absolutely adores his coaches, Andi and Kareem, probably because they are great with children, and are very encouraging. I’ve been sitting in for about five sessions so far, and I like that they vary the drills that they do each week, and that there is a gradual progression of skills taught to the children. The kids are guided carefully through the activities without being nagged at, and I love the look of pride on their faces whenever they complete an activity successfully. Praise is given when it’s due, and the children love receiving high-fives from their coaches.

With Coach Andi and Coach Kareem

The coaches have good rapport with the children, which to me, is most important. They greet the children enthusiastically, and clearly enjoy what they do. When I ask N what he likes about Little Kickers, he always says that everything is fun, and I think it’s true, because even their warm-up exercises are fun. In fact, N loves Little Kickers so much that when we were looking for a preschool for him, he asked if he could go to Little Kickers School! (Read about that in this post HERE.)

Everything is fun here, including warm-ups!

I like classes to be structured, and I think that N’s Little Kickers sessions are well-organised. They even have lesson plans! The kids who arrive early get to kick the balls around and try to score goals on their own, before one of the coaches gets them to help put all the balls back into the bag. The coaches then lead the children in some warm-up exercises, before demonstrating how to do the first drill. Modelling is always done for each activity, and this is important for young children, as they learn best through what they see and observe. The drills are simple enough for beginners, so N had no trouble following the class even though he was new.

Keeper, ready?

Doing a drill at Little Kickers

Some sessions end with a short game, and I find it hilarious to see all these little boys running around crazily trying to score goals. C and I have always been fans of team sports, as we think it’s important that N knows how to work together with a group. He may get frustrated initially, but it’s a great way to learn teamwork, and accept that everyone plays a role in making the team succeed. It’s definitely an excellent way to tire active children out, and N usually takes his nap without any complaints after each Little Kickers session. N’s first six sessions of Little Kickers will be ending soon, but we’re definitely going to sign him up for more, since he enjoys them so much.

If you’re keen to bring your child for a trial session, do check out the Little Kickers website HERE, or email them at to find out where your nearest Little Kickers centre is. I can’t wait for Didi and Meimei to be old enough to start their Little Kickers sessions!

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